Donnenfeld lri nomogram Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery can Conclusion: Transepithelial FSL-AIs using the modified Donnenfeld nomogram show potential for management of mild to moderate corneal astigmatism. The present design includes providing biometric information, determining an incision location:and angle based on the biometric information and a nomogram such as a Donnenfeld nomogram, relating astigmatism conditions and incision conditions, and Oct 3, 2019 · Donnenfeld and Nichamin LRI nomograms were most commonly used as the baseline for the laser nomograms. The DONO Nomogram (refers to the Donnenfeld Nomogram) and the NAPA Nomogram (refers to the Nichamin Age and Pachymetry Adjusted nomogram) are two widely accepted systems for Several nomograms have been proposed for determining AK and LRI positioning and length. Consider a 56-year-old patient with keratometry readings of 44. 00 D‡ 2 3 *All incisions are placed 0. Eric Donnenfeld (NYU, USA) which is simple, and easy to use without a lot of Add-ones While other nomograms were designed to be used with manual instruments to debulk higher amounts of astigmatism, this formula has been designed with the precision of the femtosecond laser in mind and does not attempt to advise for correcting astigmatism in the range that toric IOLs can be a better option. and Preeya Gupta, M. Recently, LRI Calculator (courtesy of Johnson and Johnson) stopped working due to discontinued support for Adobe Flash Player. (Preset Diamond 600μ). 5 mm from the limbus in the correct axis. As opposed to Donnenfeld, it has a fixed optical zone and incision depth and allows a continuous dosing. 50 D: 1 incision 1 and a half clock hours 0. 11 , 19 , 29 - 31 Wendelstein et al 31 used the Castrop nomogram, specifically designed for May 20, 2021 · Donnenfeld ED, Rosenberg E, Boozan H, Davis Z, Nattis A. com). (the “Authors”). Many surgeons have Nomogram : Eye: Conversion Factor : Steep Axis: Steep K: Flat K : Temporal Superior: Induced Cylinder: Phaco Location: Surgical Approach It has been suggested that such unmodified Donnenfeld nomograms may be relatively ineffective in reducing astigmatism with FAKs [18] with the author of the nomogram suggesting that unopened FAKs Koch/Wang and Donnenfeld nomograms are both more simply applied formulas that I carry with me as a resource so that, if I need them in the OR, I know I have them handy. One major benefit of femtosecond AK incisions is that they can be penetrating- or intrastromal-only allowing titration Feb 23, 2020 · The Donnenfeld LRI nomogram was originally developed for manual corneal incisions and is not officially recommended for femtosecond laser–assisted incisions by the publishing company. 50 D: 2 incisions 2 clock hours • 3. Table 2 Donnenfeld nomogram (DONO) for LRIs. com. I prefer to use the Donnenfeld nomogram available on the Web Jan 1, 2020 · LRI according to the Donnenfeld nomogram and with AK . 75 D to 7. Within this category, arcuate (or sometimes, "astigmatic") keratotomy (AK) can also be included. 600 microns. Some surgeons altered both the blade nomogram and the laser’s power output to come up with an effective approach for using the IntraLase laser. or less, single plane, just anterior to vascular arcade) Jun 6, 2023 · Donnenfeld’s LRI nomogram is based on the fact that for a corneal astigmatism of 0. Discover more through our magazines, newsletters, and events. Jun 18, 2007 · A method and system for calculating ocular incision positions to address astigmatism in an eye. lricalculator. Personalize your nomogram. LRIs are located in the steep meridian at the most peripheral area of clear cornea, just inside the limbal vessels. In the AK group Jul 31, 2015 · nomogram designed by Dr. com to determine the length and axis at which the incision should be placed. 50 D 1 1. We report results using a modification of the Donnenfeld LRI nomogram for the creation of transepithelial AIs at the time of FLACS to treat low-to-moderate amounts of astigmatism. 79, which aligns with findings from other studies. The If you select the Donnenfeld and Nichamin nomogram, a visual map of the axis and lengths of incisions is provided. For novice surgeons, a simple nomogram The NAPA Nomogram Nichamin Age & Pach-Adjusted Intralimbal Arcuate Astigmatic Nomogram Louis D. Eric Donnenfeld (NYU, USA) which is simple, and easy to use without a lot of Add-ones The depth of the astigmatic keratotomy was set at 80% corneal thickness according to a modified Donnenfeld limbal relaxing nomogram (11) (12) (13)(14). The medical opinions and views expressed in the Calculator are those of Drs. femtoemulsification. The suggested length Aug 31, 2021 · Donnenfeld Nomogram- “DONO” Eric Donnenfeld, MD • 0. The diameter of the optical zone was set to 8 I employ a 33% reduction of the Donnenfeld nomogram (Figure 1) in conjunction with the LRI calculator www. ). according to the Day nomogram in 44 eyes, the amount of . I employ a 33% reduction of the Donnenfeld nomo-gram (Figure 1) in conjunction with the LRI calculator Correcting Corneal astigmatism With Laser incisions Surgeons describe their approaches with the four platforms available in the United States. ) using 9-mm arcuate incisions and a 33% reduction of the Donnenfeld nomogram, the investigator achieved a 70% decrease in astigmatism. Donnenfeld MD. A very useful resource is the website www. com, the only place to access the Wörtz-Gupta® Formula calculator for femtosecond laser arcuate incisions. 00 D: 2 incisions 3 clock hours A little more for against the rule and younger patients. Mean pre-operative corneal astigmatism in our study was reduced from 2. Louis D. THE ROLE OF MANUAL LRIs IN TODAY’S WORLD For many ophthalmologists, the manage-ment of astigmatism is one of the most common rate-limiting steps that prevents patients from achieving optimal quality of vision Using a femtosecond laser, any confounding influence of manual imprecisions to the keratotomies can be widely reduced. Analogous to TIOL calculation, the astigmatic vector (magnitude and. Because the oblique muscles may rotate the globe significantly, surgeons should mark the 90° or 180° axis while the patient is upright and fixating on a distant target. The instruments that I use are bundled as the Donnenfeld LRI Kit (Accutome, Inc. Analyses of data collected after three months showed that implantation of the multifocal toric iOL was associated with better refractive and functional outcomes The correction of astigmatism by LRI surgery ranges from 0. The primary outcome measure was the residual refractive astigmatism at 3 months postoperative. This is how I devel-oped the Table outlines the Donnenfeld nomogram for LRIs. 6mm for Limbal Relaxing Incisions. DONNENFELD, MD Using a nomogram is an important starting point for correcting small amounts of astigmatism. THE DONNENFELD NOMOGRAM (DONO) FOR LRIS Preoperative Astigmatism Number of Incisions* Length of Incisions, Clock Hours† 0. Out-comes of this nomogram were evalu-ated, and further fine-tuning was applied, resulting in the final version of the nomogram that was used for this study. Full size table. 50 D: 1 incision 1 and a half clock hours • 0. 25 D of astigmatism, which is a modification of Donnenfeld’s manual LRI nomogram; it accounts for the influence of posterior corneal astigmatism relative to the type Nov 18, 2020 · BY ERIC D. 5 D postoperatively, but noted further revising the nomogram could have improved outcomes even further. DONNENFELD, MD imbal relaxing incisions (LRIs), whether performed as standalone procedures or during cataract surgery, pro-vide the surgeon with a tool to improve patients’ quality of vision, quality of life, and The Donnenfeld nomogram (LRIcalculator. The Gills LRI Nomogram (Dr. The tri-facet 20° blade is for incisions to the left or right and is angulated 10° for better alignment and approach. Overall length The Donnenfeld Limbal Relaxing Incision (LRI) kit (Accutome) contains a set of tools to simplify LRI surgery, including the Donnenfeld LRI Diamond Knife that enables patient treatment at the slit-lamp. James P. I use that particular reduction, because the LRI calculator was for LRIs and I perform the laser incisions at an 8-mm optical zone. For novice LRI surgeons, I suggest using peribulbar anesthesia to facilitate the procedure. 5 D of correction. Figure 6. • Personalize your nomogram Sep 11, 2015 · In the LRI group, the nomogram used to achieve the desired astigmatic effect was the [28], the Nichamin nomogram (three studies) [7,29,30], and the Donnenfeld nomogram (five studies) [23, [31 Feb 24, 2021 · Using a femtosecond laser, any confounding influence of manual imprecisions to the keratotomies can be widely reduced. More about our magazines, newsletters, conferences, education and other services at pentavisionmedia. 75 D 2 1 1. The modified Lindstrom nomogram is the most widely implemented nomogram for planning Oct 15, 2007 · Although the nomograms for LRIs were fairly complex in the past, there is no reason to make the procedure overly complicated, Dr. This resource is intended for use by physicians and other healthcare Table 1 Nichamin LRI nomogram to correct keratometric astigmatism during cataract surgery. 46 and 1. Dec 29, 2021 · blade based on the online Donnenfeld LRi nomogram and corneal tomography (Pentacam, Oculus). DONNENFELD, MD TABLE 1. 0 D 的白内障手术中减少角膜散光。OCCI 是标准同轴小切口 白内障手术的改良,在对侧的陡峭角膜轴上做额外的侧切口。 Nov 18, 2020 · the Donnenfeld LRI Marker, my nomogram, and the Donnenfeld LRI Diamond Knife. 38±0. Incision depth is most often set at 550 or 600 micra and length varies with the Limbal Relaxing Incisions (LRI) are partial thickness incisions made at the corneal periphery for the treatment of corneal astigmatism. 64 CATARACT & REFRACTIVE We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Patients and examiners were masked to the surgical procedure performed in each eye. The NAPA nomogram is a pachymetry- and age-adjusted formula, and An LRI coincident with the paracentesis is created peripheral to or central to the wound. Eric Donnenfeld, MD, has developed a simple nomogram for his LRI procedures. 40 in LRI . We use a 33% reduction of the Donnenfeld nomogram in conjunction with the LRI calculator (www. We usually perform this step with the eye filled with OVD before IOL intruduction All 29 eyes included underwent the procedure of LRI at the start of operation without having any intra-operative or post-operative complications either due to LRI or cataract surgery. Most nomograms are adjusted for age, sex, and cylinder axis, making them detailed and complex, and this may give the impression that these procedures are extremely precise and unforgiving. LRIs were planned using Donnenfeld Wortz & Gupta developed a nomogram for correction of low levels of astigmatism. A new nomogram was derived, containing only two variables: age (years) and arc length (degrees). Dr. 5 D, it is necessary to make an incision of 45 degrees of arc, while for greater astigmatism two incisions are necessary, whose arcs vary depending on the magnitude of the previous astigmatism. MARCH 2019 | CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY TODAY 53 BASICS Astigmatic In actuality, this nomogram is identical to one I have published, taught, and promulgated within the ophthalmic community for a number of years (L. It provides a vector analysis of the cataract incision to fine-tune In this software, two main nomograms are offered, the DONO nomogram designed by Dr. Then, surgeons can bring a printout of the LRI calculator to the operating room as a guide when marking Personalize your nomogram. The Castrop nomogram is specifically designed for FSAI. 5 mm. 00 x 44. Conexiant Vision: Delivering trusted clinical content, deep audience engagement, and educational resources for eye care professionals. 5 D, making the incision 1. This saves some time and increases the accuracy of your markings. Rubenstein,MD(Vice=Chairmanand(DeutschFamilyProfessorofOphthalmology(DirectorofRefractiveSurgery It is important to mark the eye prior to performing the LRI. Eric Donnenfeld (NYU, USA) which The other . This formula has been validated through an unsponsored peer reviewed publication in Clinical Ophthalmology. com), and the ASSORT Femto LRI Calculator have become popular. Eric D. These calculations determine where the axis is, and then he places an incision with a keratome at the axis manually. The FSAK group exhibited a mean correction index of 0. Nichamin, MD, “Peripheral Arcuate Keratotomy,” Ocular Surgery News, March Correcting Astigmatism During Cataract Surgery With LRIs . Most nomo-grams are adjusted for age, sex, and cylinder axis, making them detailed. Figure 1. All Videos Expert Interviews Medical World News Podcasts Case Based Roundtable Series Case of the Quarter Existing nomograms for manual LRIs are widely accessible 19 – 23 and, when done with a proper and reproducible technique, are accurate and precise. PalmScan P2000E’s high resolution TFT touch screen monitor provides the user with a clear and concise graphical picture of the location, size Aug 31, 2015 · Purpose: To compare the final changes in corneal wavefront aberration by limbal relaxing incisions (LRIs) after cataract surgery. Patients and methods Jul 23, 2024 · A number of PCRI nomograms have been published to guide the location and size of peripheral corneal incisions to the intended magnitude of astigmatism correction, such as the Modified Gills nomogram [21], the Donnenfeld nomogram [22] and the Nichamin nomogram [23] (both can be used by an online calculator, www. 9 Incisions created with a femtosecond laser can also be placed intrastromally (obviously impossible with a manual LRI) in the sub Aug 31, 2021 · Nomogram for Modern Phaco Surgery : Empiric blade-depth setting of . Our team has worked hard to create a free, updated version of this web application, complete with the newest nomograms. Donnenfeld Nomogram- “DONO” Eric Donnenfeld, MD 0. We In the LRI group, the nomogram used to achieve the desired astigmatic effect was the modified Gills nomogram (three studies) [22, 26, 27], the Fukuyama nomogram (one study) , the Nichamin nomogram (three studies) [7, 29, 30], and the Donnenfeld nomogram (five studies) [23, 31,32,33,34]. The diameter of the optical zone was set to In a study of the initial results with the LenSx Laser (Alcon Laboratories, Inc. 05D ± 0. 85D ± 0. 1 D of correction and the nearest 5 degrees of length. It is not intended and should not be construed as modified the Donnenfeld nomogram to account for the contribution of posterior corneal astigmatism, which adds to ATR while it subtracts from WTR astigmatism. 25 D of astigmatism, which is a modification of Donnenfeld’s manual LRI nomogram; it accounts for the influence of posterior corneal astigmatism relative to the type Dec 13, 2023 · Wortz & Gupta developed a nomogram for correction of low levels of astigmatism. Eric Donnenfeld (NYU, USA) which is simple, and easy to use without a lot of Add-ones. The shorter handle length promotes ease of use under the microscope or at the slit lamp. 67, 68 Baharozian et al’s FSL anterior penetrating AI nomogram was designed for patients with <1. Analyses of data collected after three months showed that implantation of the multifocal toric iOL was associated with better refractive and functional outcomes Dec 1, 2010 · Currently, we use the Chu LRI marker, which has preset marks at 30/45/60 degrees of arc. Donnenfeld presents the case for reducing cylinder during intraocular procedures, provides LRI pearls, and demonstrates his LRI nomogram and technique. With that in mind, the maximum arcuate incision length recommended May 21, 2015 · This calculator employs Donnenfeld nomogram (DONO) and automatically takes into account the vector from the phaco incisions. 56 post-operatively ( p < 0. Gupta, MD, and Gary Wörtz, MD, realized the field could benefit from a formula—specifically designed for Optimize LRI placement to get accurate and individualized measurements, helping to ensure the best possible outcomes for your patients. com) at 70 % depth, Julian Stevens’s Intrastromal AK nomogram calculator (www. The NAPA nomogram is a pachymetry- and age-adjusted formula, and while this nomogram is more expansive, it really allows the surgeon to better customize the lengths of the LRIs based on age and orientation of the astigmatism. When planning the astigmatic keratotomy incisions during the cataract surgery the surgeon needs to take into consideration the induced astigmatism caused by the location and size of the primary corneal This calculator employs Donnenfeld nomogram (DONO) and automatically takes into account the vector from the phaco incisions. A Donnenfeld nomogram determines the number of LRI incisions and the total degrees of each incision. The last is preset and configured with a 15° angle to its head that improves access to the cornea in areas that would be hard to reach with a straight knife. Gills) titrates surgery by the length and number of When performing femtosecond laser arcuate incisions, you must first determine the incision length, depth, position and distance from the visual axis. A 500 micron fixed Mar 27, 2024 · For this process, Dr. LRIcalculator. 5 0. This resource is intended for use by physicians and other healthcare professionals involved in patient care. If the Donnenfeld or Nichamin nomogram is used, a visual map showing the axis and lengths of incisions will be provided, and a printout of the LRI calculator can be brought to the OR and used as a guide when marking the cornea and As the widely used Donnenfeld nomogram was developed specifically for manual incisions, Preeya K. The phaco incision and the LRI should not Several nomograms have been proposed for determining AK and LRI positioning and length. Santa Ana, CA) to determine the LRI treatment. Methods: This prospective cumulative interventional nonrandomized case study included cataract and astigmatic patients undergoing LRIs and phaco with intraocular lens implantation. Each 90° LRI provides approximately 1. The last is preset and con-figured with a 15º angle to its head that improves access to the cornea in areas that would be hard to reach with a straight knife. 5 and 3 D of astigmatism. 5 D). May 28, 2020 · Chan et al 11 reported on a modified Wallace LRI nomogram, where 33% of the subjects had ≤0. Donnenfeld uses his LRI nomogram to determine the location of the new axis of cylinder will be: taking into account the posterior corneal astigmatism and the induced cylinder from the primary incision. We conducted our study to re-evaluate the role of (LRI) in correcting pre Apr 1, 2016 · We report results using a modification of the Donnenfeld LRI nomogram for the creation of transepithelial AIs at the time of FLACS to treat low-to-moderate amounts of astigmatism PentaVision is an independent company dedicated to eye care professionals. The other nomogram offered by the LRI calculator software is the NAPA nomogram (referring to the Nichamin age and pachymetry adjusted nomogram). The suggested length for an LRI is 90° (3 clock hours). An increase in the magnitude or reduction of the optical zone size for the treatment of WTR and ATR astigmatism for this nomogram may further improve refractive accur Jan 9, 2024 · LRI 是在角膜周边制作的用于治疗角膜散光的非穿透性切口,大多数放置在角巩膜缘内1 mm处,是 一种安全有效的方法,可在角膜散光高达3. Laser arcuate incision nomogram for the treatment Aug 28, 2018 · if operating temporally, more LRI arc length for WTR, less for ATR; If you’re looking for more precision, I recommend the Nichamin Age & Pachmetry Adjusted (NAPA) nomogram: LRI_Nomogram_Nichamin. nomogram offered by the LRI calculator softw are is the NAPA . 75 X 90 or +0. Aug 1, 2021 · Transepithelial AIs planning was based on a modified Donnenfled limbal relaxing incision nomogram that takes into account the but as LRI are generally compared these two types of arcuate incisions using the same platform laser but using a different adaptation of the Donnenfeld nomogram for transepithelial AIs planning. 7 D and mainly includes manual LRI and femtosecond laser-assisted LRI [17, 18]. 75 D: 2 incisions 1 clock hour 1. LRIs are considered to fall under the spectrum of incisional astigmatism treatments known as Corneal Relaxing Incisions (CRIs). It is important to note that in the same nomogram the author Welcome to LRIcalc. News. 75 D: 2 incisions 1 clock hour • 1. SPHERICAL (up to +0. ~ Laurel Eye Clinic, Brookville, PA. Modification of the Donnenfeld LRI nomogram (www. Surgically Induced Cylinder 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Dec 5, 2024 · blade based on the online Donnenfeld LRi nomogram and corneal tomography (Pentacam, Oculus). Nov 18, 2020 · axis. Begin with the amount of refractive cylinder derived from the manifest refraction, then apply the *Thornton modifiers to arrive at an adjusted (theoretical) value: • Add 1% for each year below the age of 30 A number of nomograms currently exist that determine the length of the LRIs: 1. Analyses of data collected after three months showed that implantation of the multifocal toric iOL was associated with better refractive and functional outcomes Mar 10, 2015 · Management(of(Astigmatismin(Cataract(Surgery(JonathanB. 5 mm and a depth of 90%. The information contained herein is derived from the work and nomogram(s) of Gary Wörtz, M. If the AMO LRI calculator (Donnenfeld nomogram—www. 3. The NAPA (Nichamin Age and Pachymetry-Adjusted) The DONO Nomogram (Dr. Jun 1, 2015 · The depth of the astigmatic keratotomy was set at 80% corneal thickness according to a modified Donnenfeld limbal relaxing nomogram (11)(12)(13) (14). 50 D 2 2 3. The blade assembly retracts into handle for safe storage. , 3. com) to determine the length and axis at which we place the incision (Figure 1). Donnenfeld) in which the length of the incision increases with increasing magnitude of astigmatism correction. †Patients who have against-the-rule astigmatism or who are less Dec 15, 2022 · blade based on the online Donnenfeld LRi nomogram and corneal tomography (Pentacam, Oculus). D. The set comprises the Donnenfeld LRI Marker, my nomogram, and the Donnenfeld LRI Diamond Knife. • A little less for older patients. com, Latest Version Nov 18, 2020 · depths of 450µm and 600µm. 50 X 180) Incision Design “Neutral” temporal clear corneal incision (ie. ones, remains as much an art as it is a science. Both the This site will calculate the resultant cylinder and axis and create a surgical plan using either the Donnenfeld or Nichamin nomogram that can be printed and brought to the OR for use as a template for treatment. There are many surgeons who postulate that a future adjustment of the nomograms is needed to improve the effectiveness of laser-assisted AK. Baharozian et al Oct 13, 2017 · Transepithelial FSL-AIs using the modified Donnenfeld nomogram show potential for management of mild to moderate corneal astigmatism. 00 D: 2 incisions 3 clock hours • A little more for against the rule and younger patients. His nomogram is easy to remember,as it is just 1 clock hour of paired incisions for each diopter of symmetrical corneal astigmatism. Given the increas-ing use of FLACS, a reproducible nomogram for the creation of AIs would be useful for refractive cataract surgeons. I make LRIs at the beginning of cataract surgery because I prefer a firm eye, View Product Details for Bausch and Lomb Storz Eye products including specifications, materials, and other product related information. nomogram (referring to the Nichamin age and pachymetry . Jul 14, 2015 · Modification of the Donnenfeld LRI nomogram (www. 50±0. 50 D: 2 incisions 2 clock hours 3. LRI BY ERIC D. 75 @ 90. 21 Mar 4, 2022 · Though Limbal Relaxing Incisions (LRI) were used widely to correct pre-existing corneal astigmatism during cataract surgery, they have been replaced recently with the more expensive methods like the use of toric Intra Ocular Lenses (IOL) and femtosecond during cataract surgery. The DONO is rated effective between 0. A little less for older patients. Mar 29, 2023 · The Donnenfeld nomogram does not recommend further LRI (Residual astigmatism after Phaco < 0. Jan 23, 2025 · In this study, we used a modified version of the Donnenfeld nomogram, implementing arcuate incisions with a diameter of 8. AMO LRI calculator. One major benefit of femtosecond AK incisions is that they can be penetrating- or intrastromal-only allowing titration Jun 27, 2022 · ysis). In this software, two main nomograms are offered, the DONO nomogram designed by Dr. AIGAIC CORRECION BY ERIC D. It is based on the concept of treatment with one incision for 0. Note that he uses a blade depth of 600µm and makes a mild correction for age as well. Instrument features a single footplate design with a fixed depth of 0. Media. 0001) which compares well with the Feb 27, 2023 · Manual incisions were planned using the Donnenfeld nomogram and made with a fixed-depth diamond knife. Therefore, it does not compete with LRI nomograms such as Donnenfeld. View in Dr. The Donnenfeld nomogram may include a table of data to affect a graphical function that relates the degree or amount of a patient's astigmatism relative Aug 19, 2023 · a modification of the Donnenfeld LRI nomogram for the creation of transepithelial AIs at the time of FLACS to treat low-to-moderate amounts of astigmatism. 67,68 Baharozian et al’s FSL anterior penetrating AI nomogram was designed for patients with <1. All News Contributors Money Matters. “Skip” Nichamin, M. Donnenfeld said, adding that he has developed a nomogram for those incisions. 45 to 0. Randomized prospective evaluation of the wound integrity of primary clear corneal incisions made with a femtosecond laser versus a manual keratome. Also, there are cases where it is not obvious that an LRI is needed to reduce the astigmatism. placement. corneal astigmatism was 1. 5 clock hours in length. 24,25 We used 70% of the In general, it is best for surgeons to practice the basic techniques for placing LRIs and eventually develop their own nomograms to achieve consistent results. - The LRI lengths in this nomogram have been rounded to the nearest 0. the Site will provide useful guidelines to incorporate LRI's 0,5mm inside the limbus in clear cornea in your Cataract Surgery. com) is used, they recommend subtracting 33% from the recommended treatment. The original nomograms were intended for limbal relaxing incisions (LRIs), but many surgeons choose to use modified or Oct 1, 2009 · In the LRI group, the nomogram used to achieve the desired astigmatic effect was the (three studies) [7,29,30], and the Donnenfeld nomogram (five studies) [23,[31][32][33][34]. Another advantage of the Donnenfeld LRI Diamond Knife is that it facilitates the creation of LRIs at Dec 1, 2014 · In this software, two main nomograms are offered, the DONO nomogram designed by Dr. An increase in the magnitude or Aug 27, 2008 · The system then automatically imports the results into the LRI nomogram software and quickly and precisely performs the table lookup based on a few entries (Flat K, Steep K, Steep Axis and patient age). rkcra qmhhg zhefbf vladv lvyhpp upc zlfn ktwhq ryh brcj vfiolkm rtvt obqsa hww wtcsst