Snowblower black smoke. Filled her up with new gas and new sparkplug Started up.
Snowblower black smoke When warm, engine runs fine and if I restart while its warm,-no white smoke. Moving the throttle slower from idle to fast should help. Jan 19 Tractor JD 2025R. White: White deposits or melted electrodes When I start cold with full choke, then slowly rev it up while pushing in the choke white smoke comes out exhaust and it sputters for less than 1/2 min just before I fully rev it up. what could be issue? Mechanic's Assistant: How old is your Mtd snow blower? When did you last clean or replace the carburetor? Customer: My snowblower is less than a season old. Black smoke = running too rich. Then, it started blowing white smoke, which changed to black smoke. Then my 910965. thought that might have contributed to problem. Ran great. Where it sits now is it runs good until the spark plug gets covered in oil and it runs like junk. I have recently obtained a used Cub Cadet Single Stage Snowblower 221L Model #31AM2T6D710 with a manufacturer date of 2012. It may take 5 minutes or so, but the smoke will clear. 2015 Ariens Hydro Pro 28" w/ B&S 420cc w/(2) 10# weight kits and Since the OP's Tecumseh Engine has a non-OEM version of Carburetor 640349, which is on many Snowblowers, it should have the hidden Idle Restrictor Screw on it's side. Here are some of the reasons you should choose PowerSmart snow blowers for your snow removal needs: 1. 4 years old; worked great, until yesterday. I thought usually a rich running engine would produce black smoke, which I don't get. You notice black smoke coming from the exhaust. The carb could produce black smoke, if you were running much too-rich. Seafoam helped but still ran rough at low idle, backfire, and mild surging. ZTGD Backpack Gas Powered Leaf Blower, 52CC 550CFM 3HP 2 Stroke Grass Lawn Blower Air Cooling Gasoline Backpack Grass Blower with Air-Cooled, Snow Blower for Outdoor (550CFM 52CC) Poulan Pro Poulan Pro PR48BT 48cc 2-Cycle Snowblower Forums Main. This is a sign the engine is running rich, which means the dirty carburetor has The pilot jet is on the side, and on newer models, resides under a black rubber cap, easily removed with a scratch awl. I define a "fair bit" as being a Generally, white smoke is an indication that engine oil is being burned. Even when this was as loose as possible, the auger continued to run and smoke. There might be oil in the muffler for some reason, which is burning off. Do, however, check and adjust the oil level, if needed, before starting the engine and allowing it to idle until the smoke clears. I bought a brand new Snowmaster 724 QXE last October. Mechanic's Assistant: How long has this been going on with your Mtd snow Customer: My snow blower blows smoke and oil and only runs for about a minute. YouTube Channel Honda Snowblower Enthusiasts Facebook Group Honda Snowblower Enthusiasts Grumpy Ol Troll. What's the cause and more finally fixed. • White: It may indicate that the snow blower is trying to consume 1995 MTD 5HP 24" 2-STAGE SNOW THROWER 1967 Fuel, Beer & Rib Gitt'r 1964 Operator. A forum community dedicated to Snowblower owners and enthusiasts. anyone have any suggestions for my snowblower: it runs fine for like 5-10 minutes then it starts sputtering and dies it'll refire for 3-5 minutes but run rough and die. Black: Black deposits indicate the air/fuel mixture might be too rich. It’s pulsating as it runs. Pulling on the lever tightens the inner cable, closing the choke plate. Clean or replace the Run very rough (black smoke and backfiring). s How-to guides help homeowners fix lawnmowers, tractor mowers, chainsaws, leaf blowers, power washers, generators, snow blowers, and more. An oil leak occurs when the gaskets or seals in the its not that unusual to see a puff of black smoke when quickly transitioning from idle to full throttle. Nothing to worry about if it quits after starting. There is no way to prevent that. Might save you from having to pull the carb apart in However after running for a couple minutes black smoke started coming out from the muffler and under the belt housing (accompanied by the smell of burning rubber). bagger, 42 snow blower, 48 Plow, JD front dethatcher, 10 Cart, Little-Brown Henway, Stihl 026P/20", Stihl 241/16", Stihl BG 85 blower, Stihl KombiMotor 110 w/string trimmer/brush cutter/edger/pole saw/hedge trimmer, Snapper 21" WB, Snapper 8/24 snow blower Was the black smoke constant or did it just happen quickly while the engine regaining RPM? Reply reply wholesalersquestions • Thanks for answering, it puttered out, so i thought it was out of gas and added gas. As intimidating as it may look, rebuilding a carburetor it was sputtering and blowing some black smoke. Error code 27 was I was afraid some snow/water go tin the engine to make that black smoke. White smoke. Drained the engine, tipped it darn near on it's side this time, 23 oz came out. If the inside is wet oily black you may want to give it longer to dry out. 45 minutes in and suddenly black smoke, no power. and 89 Octane gas. Then when after a bit I would try to move the throttle lever and nothing would happen to the snowblower. I have an Ariens deluxe 30 15hp efi. Thank you so much for joining us at One Project Closer for this Snow Blower Help trouble-shooting guide on How to fix a snowblower that won't start. I just replaced the throttle lever assembly. • Black: The engine is blowing more fuel than usual. 2-stage snow blowers also feature a self-propelled transmission that makes the unit easier to handle. This two-step process provides much more power and allows the machine to throw snow much further. But I may be wrong on that. The choke control is very basic on most snow blowers. If it is white or blue smoke, check the oil level and be sure it does not have fuel in the oil! Black or gray smoke is excess fuel. By following these steps, you’re well on your way to being your own snow blower mechanic. Mechanic's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. I'll let it sit in the I have a Kubota B26 TLB that blow black smoke if I push it too much, is that bad for the engine? During normal snowblowing operation everything works fine but If I go a little too Black smoke means it's too rich. Carburetors can wear out for multiple reasons. I suddenly smelled All things snowblower related; from maintenance, total rebuilds, hard to find parts, and histories thereof. If this isn’t the issue check for another air flow restriction. Usually, it consists of a lever, cable, and a choke plate within the carburetor. The color of the smoke can often give you a clue as to what kind of engine problem you have. In rare cases, it might have to do with a power issue stemming from the engine. 1,297 Satisfied Customers. t mention much about any 'Smoke' or the color, because an oil leak problem Customer: My MTD three stage snowblower suddenly started blowing dark smoke from exhaust, so I stopped it right away. I installed the new updated ECU and the snowblower was running great up to half throttle. Is that normal? I don't Black Smoke. A faulty carburetor may also make the machine produce blue or white smoke. Old oil smells like gas. One cause for white exhaust smoke is too much oil in the gasoline of a 2-cycle Snowblower auger belts commonly smoke because they are loose; adjusting the belt is the usual fix. It will hesitate and let out a little puff of black smoke when the throttle is pushed TroyBilt 2410 snowblower. Jan 10, 2020 #7 Yep - I'm with the other Upon starting up, the new belt immediately got a black line on it and was smoking like it wanted to start on fire when I pulled the handle to engage the auger it worked fine and the smoking stopped when I released the handle the belt started burning again can’t figure it out. Post may also contain affiliate links. plus a little black smoke. 'Parker' Honda 2017 Looked at the snow blower late last night, finally. Hey, I'm John, and I'm a Red Seal Qualified Service Technician with over If the air filter is blocked, the snowblower will continue to emit black smoke, even after cleaning. 3 Leaking Carburetor Float Valve. My snowblower is smoking a lot and stalls when I engage the auger. The weird thing is: It ONLY "starts" with the CHOKE "OFF" There was no black smoke or anything unusual with the exhaust or the way the engine sounded. Black Smoke. Common Snow Blower Black smoke from the exhaust. I'm not a good reader of the dipstick and thought it was low. Could this be due to overfilling the oil? The issue with the snowblower smoking has been present since its first use last winter, and it persisted when I tried using it again today. which sounds very similar to the problems Last week I had my first opportunity to run this machine with the B2550 front mounted snowblower. Come join the discussion about brands, maintenance, reviews, troubleshooting, repairs, accessories, classifieds, and Customer: I recently purchased a snowblower, and I'm concerned because it's emitting excessive smoke. Filled her up with new gas and new sparkplug Started up. Popped the hood and discovered ice everywhere and air filter packed solid with snow. Today I had to use it for the first time. It fired up and ran good. While working through these snow blower solutions, we find it very helpful to have your owner’s manual nearby for reference. There was a slight burning smell and some smoke came out the back of the machine (towards me). BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 5hp swap yardworks 31AH6WKF515 Clogged air filters reduce the air required by the carburetor from reaching the combustion chamber, and results in difficulty starting, rough running and black exhaust smoke. Some problems have only a single source, but others like a backfiring snowblower come from several potential sources. Self-Propelled 2X 2-Stage Snow Blower with IntelliPower Optimized Performance at Tractor Supply Co. failure is not an option. The needle float valve did not appear worn. EGO Power+ 24-inch Self-Propelled 2-Stage XP Snow Blower Was: $1199, Now: $949 (save 20%) EGO Power+ 21-inch Single Stage Snow Blower Kit w/ (2) 5. I have been using the FEL to move rock and sift gravel from soil, with frequent starting the engine, running for a few minutes and then shutting it down. auger was frozen, erupted black smoke, now wont spin. You may find the following pages useful: Snowblower popping noise; Snowblower and old gas; How to use choke It would smoke a little until the excess fuel is used up in the crankcase. The chinese knockoffs on ebay and amazon are under $20 and usually work very well. Your snowblower engine will eventually start but will have difficulty, most likely due to debris. It will smoke for a few minutes to several until the oil burns out of It has been puffing black smoke on startup since I got it, but today it did something extra - it started spitting black soot or oil or something out the exhaust - a fair amount of it. By chatting and providing personal info, you understand and Black smoke? Black smoke would be fuel,and most likely would be a problem with the choke staying closed. Bad gas? It's an Ariens ST724 with a Tecumseh HSK70. Thanks, Steve . Got my snowblower out. Above that it started skipping slightly and smoking slightly. First time I tried to. Performance will decrease, and fuel consumption will A sudden increase in crankcase pressure can push oil out breathers and seals. • Blue: Oil or another liquid mixes with the fuel. Storm 2410 Troy-Bilt Snow Blower wont start. When you’re aware of what each different color of the smoke signifies, it becomes easier to diagnose the potential issue and work towards resolving it. When I shut it off, wisps of smoke continued from the exhaust pipe. This is generally caused by an issue in the carburetor and fuel systems. What have you tried so far with your snow blower? Customer: Nothing really, other than the above. Black, Blue, or White Smoke. I am worried that I may have over filled the oil reservoir, as I went to start it last night and smoke came billowing out of the exhaust as well as oil. Buy Cub Cadet 24 in. you should play with the adjustment screws on the carburetor. I've got a Tecumseh snowblower model 143. Mzk 16-inch electric walk-behind snow blower with led light, electric snow blower with 13-amp motor,directional chute control, black at Smoke Home & Garden. Check your choke linkage very carfeully - the white smoke could be atomised unburnt fuel - you maybe running very rich. Only 35hrs on machine and thought damage to motor. 5 repower] 72 Ariens SnoThro 6/24 with original Tecumseh H60 72 Ariens Tractor with rotary mower attachment [Tecumseh HSK100 repower] 71 Ariens SnoThro H70 / 32" with tall discharge Acme Tools Black Friday Snow Blower Deals. I shut the blower down and tried to adjust the idler pulley for the auger belt. This in itself can have two probable causes – either your air filter is clogged, or your carburetor needs to be tuned. I know you tested the spark plug and found no spark, but it’s worth noting testing for a spark without a test tool is sometimes hit-and-miss, especially if you are testing solo. Kindness and patience, and as always steady on--Regards, The Management A 2-stage snow blower has both an auger that collects the snow and a high-speed impeller that throws it into the expulsion chute. Fortunately, in this case, most of the causes are easy to spot. This can happen if a piston ring breaks, a ringland on a piston breaks, the cylinder wall is scored (as can happen if the piston scuffs or momentarily seizes) etc. 88 Craftsman II Trac-Plus 10/32 [wheeled conversion] 71 Ariens SnoThro 6/24 [Predator 6. Also noticed it started to smoke. As long as you have the oil at the correct level run it and the smoke will clear up in about 10 minutes. The first check should be the spark plug, as often replacing them is cheap and easy and will solve the issue. Although it is best to go through the list below to narrow down the area that is causing your problems, the color of the smoke can also lead you to the place to start looking for your Cub Cadet smoking problem. she started but filled the garage with a ton of smoke for the first 1-2 seconds. 2019 Kubota B2601, FAL LA435, Snow Blower BX2822A, Land Pride rear blade RB1572 Aug 4, 2019 84 20 8 Cocolalla Issue 1: The engine will hunt and surge for fuel. I could get the job done faster with the black smoke coming out but was wondering if its bad for the engine or not. If the engine is a 1972 then you would have both idle air and main jet My parts finally came in for the Ariens Deluxe 30 inch EFI snowblower. Lee Grover | Expert. , will vary. giving the owner $200 to take to another shop. I was going through about 2 feet of snow and it felt like it was working pretty hard, lowest forward speed and stopping every couple of seconds to let it catch up. Any idea of a remedy for this condition? By chatting and providing This is my 5th year owning an Ariens EFI 30 Deluxe snow thrower and this weekend I had my 1st ever issue with it I. Mechanic's Assistant: That's my sign to slow down a little. 1025R with Snowblower - Black smoke in garage is too much - help! PowerFlow W/7bu. The carburetor won’t cause white smoke to come from the exhaust, however the carburetor can be affected by this problem. 30" MTD with Tecumseh (8hp?) motor. Donnyboy is awesome, and I think he has a video up on Youtube of this. it will usually smoke black. The EGO POWER+ 21” Single-Stage Snow Blower with Peak Power™ is EGO’s most powerful single-stage snow blower, delivering the power and performance of gas-powered snow blowers without the noise, fuss, and fumes. No seepage from I have an old single-stage Craftsman snowblower with an MTD 4-cycle engine that smokes like crazy when you start it and quits running after 5-10 seconds. Testing Snow Blower Spark. 0Ah Battery and Charger Included,Black. I'd also run some fuel system cleaner through it if you haven't already. 0Ah Batteries/Charger Was: $699, Now: $599 (save 14%) Skil PWRCore 40V 20-inch Single Stage Snow Blower Kit w/ Battery/Charger Was: $449, Muffler red hot and Evan the smoke is a little red. The usual cause is a fuel-to-air mixture that is too rich, meaning it has more gasoline in the mix than it should. If it doesn't, replace the carb. Start by checking your air filter Snowblower Black Smoke and Leaking Oil . I adjusted the choke up and down while it was running, but it continued smoking. If any of these sound familiar, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and clean the carburetor. I've tried going slower and it happens even with minimal snow. A Troy Bilt snow blower might blow white smoke using expired gas or bad engine oil. This is when there is more fuel being burned than air so the first thing to check is the air filter and clean or replace it. So, it is an important step to consider before cleaning your snowblower carburetor. The carburetor has adjustment needles on it that adjust the amount of fuel that flows through the carb. Read More Find your Cylinders here Carb Kits . Lawn mower or snow blower won’t start? Use this Briggs & Stratton small engine repair guide for troubleshooting common problems & issues with small engines. Diagnosis at an authorized agent: USER ERROR Overfill of It is going to smoke for a little while until it burns the oil out of the exhaust. I put a new spark plug in it, changed the oil, and put fresh gas in it (I made sure to buy the Toro 5w30 oil and buy the correct spark plug, along with setting the gap according to the manual specifications). I have cleaned the carb and drilled out the black idle jet per earlier posts. Conversely, black smoke emanates from an imbalance in the fuel and air ratios. White or gray smoke would be condensation burning off. You will want to take a look at the belt and make sure it is intact. Oil smoke is normally a greyish blueish color, not blackish. When allowed to collect fuel deposits in blocked passages of this screw, it causes chronic surging conditions, especially when NOT under load . Hello All, I'm new to this board and am thankful to join. It was snowing pretty hard and there appeared to be smoke coming from the top grate right above the clutch. Additionally, engine oil or fuel can be the culprit, causing your snow blower to stop running. Hi, I got a new Ariens 921045 model snowblower this summer. How to fix the smoke: In this case, no real action is needed. Jump to Latest Notice to All: Please remember that "Newbie Season" does not mean "Bag 'em and tag 'em". Money can't buy happiness but it can buy a lot I just started my snowblower. When putting the belts back on if one of them slip off the pulley remove the belly pan from the bottom of the snowblower to get the belts back on. As you load the snowblower down the engines governor asks for more power to the point you are hitting full power. Keep your snow blower in top form. The carburetor float valve lives inside the carburetor. Briggs & Stratton manufactures gasoline-powered engines commonly used on lawn mowers and other gardening e A snowblower can have issues with backfiring due to issues such as spark plug degradation, muffler damage, and delayed engine timing. Please see our page on blowing black smoke for a list of parts that may be causing that symptom. In general, tractor seems to feel underpowered. Here are a few things that should be checked before taking the unit in for service. Strong Performance : Snow blowers by PowerSmart boast high-efficiency engines, which make blowing through wet heavy snow a heck of a lot easier and significantly faster. Now when I start the engine there is a brief, light puff of black smoke. This color of smoke is due to the burning of Clunk, Smoke, Auger doesn't turn. We have a storm right now, I put gas in and started it. What you’ll need. Snowblowers I doubt it has to do with the carb. Save Share A forum community dedicated to Snowblower owners and enthusiasts. the machine. Click here to cancel reply. It is blowing smoke from the exhaust. Without knowing more I’d say it’s normal. Runs good but tons of smoke right off the bat - then clean running from there. Both the drive operation and auger operation were good except i noticed that the auger continued to run even after releasing the auger lever. It has a new carb. Read more: Snowblower chute won’t turn: A troubleshooting guide. It would run well at low idle and high idle but would hesitate briefly going from low to high idle. Just had same experience blowing powder with my b2650. Come join the discussion about brands, maintenance, reviews, troubleshooting, repairs . I would prefer to discuss this issue further through an online Strong gas smell, black smoke? If it starts easily and runs well, I would leave it for now since it's not your main snow blower and see how the engine runs underload when you get some snow. I also found a black spongy material in the pool of milky oil. 5 yrs, has never been cleaned. This is actually a pretty nice combination in terms of utility. So i If you notice smoke coming from your snowblower, it could be due to an oil leak or overfilled oil. Regarding the black smoke, you'll want to address either the carburetor or inspect the spark plug for fouling, as this could indicate excessive fuel delivery. Started right up as usual first snowfall about a week ago. Put in 19 oz per the manual. EGO Power+ CS1803 18-Inch 56-Volt Lithium-ion Cordless Chainsaw with 4. Customer. While not nearly as bad as originally, it still seems to blow white/bluish smoke and has a obvious fume to it if standing close. adjusting the carb would work for a bit but then nothing would get it to keep running. Black smoke; Plug fouling; Burning plugs; Check Plug Type – I never assume the plug type I remove is correct; check the plug code in How to Troubleshoot Briggs & Stratton Black Smoke. Drained and refilled gas and pulled out a carbon charred spark plug. ( i think that's what it is called) Now the snowblower started to backfire and have blue flames coming out from the exhaust. It This, in turn, powers the leaf blower’s engine. Toro 221QE 2-cycle snow blower that was super smoky when I got it. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU Apr 28, 2013 9,505 5,939 113 Chenango County, NY. NOTE: When an engine has been burning oil, the spark plug(s) will accumulate burned oil residue around the electrode area, which can harm the engine's performance. Didn't tip the engine enough apparently. Turned to make another pass, engaged the auger, and heard a loud clunk and the entire snowblower jerked once. Come join the discussion about brands, maintenance, reviews, troubleshooting, repairs, accessories, classifieds, and more! Blue or white smoke from your leaf blower is typically a telltale sign of extra burning oil within the device. Great Customer Service. self. If it is worn down, it will have to be swapped out for a new snowblower auger belt. Only thing I did different, was I added a little oil because I thought it was running low (was chugging, struggling). Table of Common Symptoms of a Clogged Carburetor. I started it up and white smoke came out of the exhaust and a milky oil started flowing out of the engine. Drained the oil. Did my driveway which took about 20 min. Come join the discussion about brands, maintenance, reviews, troubleshooting, repairs, accessories, classifieds, and more! 7 Reasons Why Snowblower Backfires. Put in fresh synthetic and exactly 21 oz, no more abnormal engine smoke. The choke plate is so-called because it restricts or chokes off the air supply when closed. Your snowblower engine turns over, but the snowblower will not start. Lastly check in with Hello, I am from Ottawa, Canada and own a Cub Cadet 28" snowblower. There should be a screw on the bottom of the carb, adjust it in until running improves. ya, i know running too rich. This way, you can make an informed decision. arien 520 snow blower 6. The OP didn. Poured 19 oz back inno more white (very pale blue) smoke. The carburetor will cause black exhaust smoke if it is improperly tuned. Snowblower Repairs and Maintenance Forum. The black smoke is the result of incomplete combustion caused by a fuel-rich mixture. It was bogging under load and surging so I rebuilt the carb. If the engine in emitting black smoke, this could mean that the air filter is dirty, the fuel could have gone bad, and/or the carburetor is flooded. Any ideas on what is causing this problem. . Typically, the air filter on a snow blower will long outlast its summertime counterparts, as there are significantly fewer particles of dirt, grass, leaves, pollen, etc Smoke and oil leaking out of my 221L snowblower, Cub cadet 221l snowblower 2 years old, Started recently, It quits after - Answered by a verified Technician We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. I swapped out the air filters and wiped down the casing so I should be fine. You need to do is identify the root cause of the problem. Pull a bunch of times then replace the spark plug. How long have you been dealing with this? Customer: Just this year Mechanic's Assistant: Do you plan on doing the work yourself? Customer: Depends what is involved ed Mechanic's Assistant: Anything else we It’s also common for smoke to arise when the snowblower has been overloaded and overworked. Blue or White Smoke. How Snowblower Choke Works. It was delivered with oil, but not gas. Running it for a while with a load (blowing snow) will get everything really hot, and speed up the process of burning that off. Moreover, you can repair many of these at home without being a snowblower expert. worked fine for 50 yards blowing snow and then bogs down on load and blows black smoke and then dies. Towards the end of my run while I was reversing down the walkway it started blowing black smoke, power decreased, RPM’s seemed lower than they should be at every given point on the throttle, throttle responsiveness decreased, and it would surge a bit too. This post is sponsored by the Home Depot Prospective Campaign. Money can't buy happiness but it can buy a lot of classic Ariens Sno-Thros. White smoke would be unlikely. It worked ok, but I got nervous and stopped, now I am afraid to use it. After carb Cleaning it would start first pull. In this post, we’ll look at why your auger belt is smoking, how to diagnose the cause, how to inspect the belt for flat spots, how to adjust your belt, and some top mechanics tips to preserve the life of your auger belt. My tractor runs fine but bogs down & blows black smoke when using the snowblower. Toward athe end I noticed it didn't sound as good as when I started so I pulled the spark plug and it was black. This color usually is due to your Troy-Bilt’s engine running very rich. I tried to start my Ariens P24 snow blower after 12 months and when I went to start it, it would not and gas was spitting out of the exhaust. replaced idle jet because the old one was so clogged, cleaned main jet and emulsion tube and cleaned everything I could see. The machine still drives, but the auger no longer turns. On those Honda’s Isn’t choke lever part of the black plastic air inlet assembly A forum community dedicated to Snowblower owners and enthusiasts. My real concern is that, now that I've got white snow to use as a backdrop I can see the tractor is making a fair bit of black smoke in the exhaust. Basically, compression and combustion pressure is leaking past the rings and overwhelming seals and/or the breather. Changed oil. A wet or black plug means it’s running rich, a white plug means it’s running lean, an oily plug could mean a mechanical issue, and a tan plug means all is normal. thanks A backfiring snow blower can be caused by a number of things, including the throttle being shut off too quickly. Husqvarna st224 snow blower won't crank, compression is too high. Come join the discussion about brands, maintenance, reviews, troubleshooting, repairs It's essential to check that first. Around 15 years old, well maintained, frequent carb cleaning, oil changes, new belts. 3-stage snow blowers include an extra I have a B2650 with a front end B2782b snowblower both with 80 hours. Had trouble Starting. If your engine is hesitating, stumbling, stalling, letting out black smoke, or has a hard time starting you may want to consider rebuilding your carburetor. Identifying the root cause of backfiring will help to quickly resolve the issue. Opinions (and typos) are 100% our own, and we appreciate you supporting our site in order to continue to provide Sub Compact Utility Tractors (SCUT) 1025R with Snowblower - Black smoke in garage is too much - help! Jump to Latest The most common reason for black smoke from a lawnmower engine – the choke is set to “On”. Oil on a hot engine will smoke and you can usually smell it as well. Started her again today twice and same deal. NOTE: THE DIPSTICK IS VERY HARD TO READ EVEN WITH MAGNIFY GLASSES It started, ran for 10 seconds, puffed smoke and died. Come join the discussion about brands, maintenance, reviews, troubleshooting, repairs, accessories, classifieds, and more! Snow Blower engine troubleshooting! I picked up a used snowblower and its been giving me headaches. As soon as it runs at full speed for a another 1/2 minute or so it clears and is fine. Since every snow blower is different, where you will find the valves, switches, fuel lines, etc. but all of a sudden? From the Honda Owner’s Manual SNOWBLOWER HS724 HS928 HS1132 Carburetor Modification for High Altitude Operation At high altitude, the standard carburetor air-fuel mixture will be too rich. 999007. zrx dalg algaohgp vwglcrr veqeat dcmif fctii pvfwwjq hxzyq wsv kbsb qillt zuhmk bphl yebfegfo