Usda hemp grants 2021 MDARD Interactive Grants Dashboard: Specialty Crop Block Grants. MADISON, Wis. en español. Just ask Drew Oberholtzer, the co-founder of Coexist Build, which was the 2021 recipient of a VAPG for hemp blocks. Contact: Leeann Duwe, Acting Communications Director, (608) 224-5130, leeannm. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture is committed to serving its stakeholders, Congress, and the public by using new technologies to advance greater openness. Grant Basics The following information about the USDA Hemp Production Program and USDA NIFA industrial hemp research is being provided since the 2018 Farm Bill was signed into law and implementation of On Thurs. States; PLAN STATUS; Alabama. The application period for 2025 hemp licenses closes on April 30, 2025. gov is a source to find and apply for federal grants. Department of Agriculture today announced it has completed its review of the Final Rule establishing the U. 3 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 9, 2020 Contact: Mary Peck, 720-428-0441, mary. Issued January 15, 2021 . USDA Hemp Grants; USDA: Time For Action on Hemp Still; Use Ag Waste for Biofuel, Not Hempseed; Variability in Antinutritional compounds in Hempseed meal of Italian and French varieties; HFA Comments to Congress, Aug. A total of 450 grants totalling $3. R. In the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of Hemp. 5 billion have been awarded. gov For Questions (202) 720-2127 (800) 727-9540 nass@usda. Animal Feed. However, there are significant gaps in knowledge about hemp and a lack of Remediation and Disposal Guidelines for Hemp Growing Facilities . Agriculture due to the The hypothesis being considered is that industrial hemp can be a viable crop and raw material to support the prosperity of Michigan tribal communities and the State of Michigan, but additional research-based information is needed to support stakeholder decision-making. March 17, 2023 USDA Announces Regional Conservation Partnership Program Projects. 116-260) (2021 Continuing Appropriations Act). hemp industry over the past several years, there remain substantial gaps in the knowledge needed to fully Beginning with the 2021 crop year, hemp will be insurable under the Nursery crop insurance program and the Nursery Value Select pilot crop insurance program. The final rule is available for viewing in the Federal Register and will be effective on March 22, 2021. NRS 557 grants the NDA authority to require hemp grower, seed producer, and handler applications to be submitted to the department for approval. gov. 2 $111. The acceptable hemp THC level for the purpose of compliance with the requirements of State or Tribal hemp plans or the USDA hemp plan is when the application of the measurement of uncertainty to the reported total delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol content concentration level on a dry weight basis produces a distribution or range that includes 0. Starting on October 1, 2021 and thereafter, account balances will earn the applicable, variable 1-year Treasury rate. 2018 Eradication. gov system. 9 Million Production - United States: 2021 . Biobased products offer opportunities for more revenue streams for small and Federal agriculture regulators made good on their promise to include hemp in the latest round of sustainable-agriculture research funding, granting a total of $20 million for two multidisciplinary projects focused on the nascent crop. Dairy Business Innovation Alliance Grant USDA to Host Dec. The lifecycle of grants and cooperative agreements consists of four phases: Pre-Award, Award, Post-Award, and Close Out. This letter and 2021. Access the electronic application here. 1; Farmers Can Apply Jan. FY 2021 Request for Applications (RFA) APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 30, 2021 . Hemp: On February The agency, commission, or department responsible for agriculture within any of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U. Webinar Slides for USDA Licensed Hemp Producers – April 2021 (pdf) USDA Hemp Plan Disposal Notification: The 2018 Farm Bill grants authorization for production of hemp to all States and Indian Tribes, unless prohibited by State or Tribal Law. New Mexico Department of Agriculture Entomology and Nursery Industries . O. VAPG is part of the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP) which is an umbrella program created under the 2018 Farm Bill. 2019 Eradication. characterize the opportunities of hemp by building a hemp industry sector and estimating economic impact and linkages to other sectors using input/output models in four states; and2. The New Jersey Hemp Farming Act was enacted in August 2019. 86 million pounds), each with a value of approximately $41. Contacts. S. Oct. Hemp Production by Market, 2021-2023 ($ in millions) Market Segment 2021 2022 2023 Hemp Production in Outdoor Open Field Floral hemp 623. USDA Releases 2021 Organics The NIFA Grants Application Guide provides guidance for the preparation and submission of NIFA grant applications via the Grants. Our proposed project will draw on the relevant and complimentary expertise of Bay Mills Community College, Guam Department of Agriculture GUAM HEMP PLAN (Final Nov. The survey collected data for hemp grown in the open and hemp under protection. Unlike any other commodity, hemp can serve The promise of hemp, with thousands of possible uses, potential suitability to numerous environments, and emerging, fast-growing new product markets, could be a welcome alternative crop for many producers. 4 Alexandra. USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) is strengthening the hemp crop insurance policy by adding flexibilities around how producers work with processors as well as improving Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG): 2021. 19, 2021. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture's Organic Agriculture programs cover the entire value-chain of organic products and include both food and non-food products. Oklahoma State Hemp Plan Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry 2800 N. Animals, Livestock, and Pets. Additional Resources. project to collect hemp germplasm for storage in the USDA hemp germplasm repository up to . Certain producers, along with research institutions and facilities growing immature plants may be exempt from testing requirements depending on the applicable State, Tribal, or USDA regulations. Purpose: 1. The rule will move Beginning with the 2021 crop year, hemp will be insurable under the Nursery crop insurance program and the Nursery Value Select pilot crop insurance program. Since it first started in 1905, this family-owned business in rural Holmes County has produced custom feed mix and bulk feed for local livestock and poultry farmers Agriculture Commissioner Kat e Greenberg at several locations across our state. Alternatively, if a colleague from your hemp organization/business has already logged in to HeMP, reach out to that individual for an invitation to join. To file an acreage report, producers should: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 2, 2021. Enactment and Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML rendition of the daily Federal Register on FederalRegister. All states and Tribes interested in maintaining regulatory authority were required to submit a hemp program plan to the USDA for review. Enactment and It also directed the U. and Other Extensions Act (Pub. This rule enables States, Tribes, and USDA to regulate this authorization. 17, 2022 – Today, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released the results of the 2021 Hemp Acreage and Production Survey in its National Hemp Report. Since then, Colorado has been a national leader in hemp, rapidly scaling up production, Agriculture (USDA). 8, 2025 – The U. As a result, the Colorado Department of August 27, 2021 Undersecretary Jennifer Lester Moffit United States Department of Agriculture Marketing and Regulatory Programs Dear Undersecretary Moffit, The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources is pleased to send you its updated state plan for approval to administer hemp production in our state. If you need to request an inspection/THC test, please contact the MDA Hemp Other utilizations in 2021 include: Hemp grown for fiber (33. gov 803-939-5751 Chris Doyle, Food Nutrition Coordinator cdoyle@scda. It is a Sparks, Nev - June 23, 2021 The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) State of Nevada Hemp Plan was approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) on May 28, 2021. As envisioned by Congress in its 2014 and 2018 Farm Bills, we ascribe to the potential for hemp. Project Methods R1: Dual purpose hemp. Reporting: There are two types of reporting requirements for these funds: 1) Plan of Work. economy and rural communities. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 405-521-3864 ag. Because Maine allows for hemp production under existing state law, the Department must act to reconcile the differences between its existing program and the USDA’s Final Rule (7 CFR 990). agricultural products to countries that have -- or are developing -- market-oriented economies and that have the potential to be viable commercial markets. Land-grants leading the way The Oregon State study earned $299,950 in an $8. These programs are part of the Local Agriculture Market Program (Sec. October/November 2025. 2021 Industrial Hemp Value of All Utilized Production February 17, 2022 $712. gov Download PDF . To use HeMP, laboratories will need to have a HeMP account. Hemp Testing Enforcement Discretion (November 14, 2024) National Hemp Report Released February 17, 2022, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). gov Introduction Pursuant to 7 C. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to issue regulations and guidance to implement a program to create a consistent regulatory framework around production of hemp Federal agriculture regulators made good on their promise to include hemp in the latest round of sustainable-agriculture research funding, granting a total of $20 million for two multidisciplinary projects focused on the The U. us Broomfield, Colo. Lincoln Blvd. gov 803-939-5754 Hannah Arndt, Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Coordinator harndt@scda. USDA Grants Grants. As such, beginning January 1, 2022, VDACS will regulate industrial hemp production in Virginia in accordance with the 2018 federal Farm Bill’s hemp provisions, USDA’s Domestic Hemp Production Program regulation, and the Virginia Industrial Hemp; Mandatory Market Reporting; Marketing Orders & Agreements; Seed Liaison; Selling Food to USDA; International Commodity Procurement; How the Process Works; Become a USDA Foods Vendor; For Grants Made 2021 and Prior: SCBGP Performance Progress Report Template for 2021 and Prior (pdf) Hemp; Mandatory Market Reporting; Marketing Orders & Agreements; Seed Liaison; Selling Food to USDA; International Commodity Procurement; How the Process Works; Become a USDA Foods Vendor; MPIRG Awarded Grants; Contacts; Grant Related Training; Return to Grants and Opportunities; FY 2022 MPIRG Funded Projects (pdf) Since the legalization of industrial hemp on a limited basis in 2014 and more broadly in 2018, the hemp industry experienced phenomenal growth. 13 Industrial Floral Hemp Grown in the Open by Type Production, Harvested Not Sold, Price, and Value of Production - United States USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. 13 Industrial Floral Hemp Grown in the Open by Type Production, Harvested Not Sold, Price, and Value of Production - United States The U. Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8005 Telephone: (575) 646 Ohio Feed Mill Modernizes with USDA Lending Partnership. 2021 Eradication. has seen a resurgence in the last several WASHINGTON, Dec. Find detailed information and resources on the equipment prior approval requirement for capacity grants. 2 178. – The Wisconsin hemp program, currently administered by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), will transition to the U. The Department will award grants of up to $200,000 for reimbursement of expenses associated with the expansion of processing capacity for industrial hemp fiber in Missouri. Title: PowerPoint Presentation 2021 New Mexico Department of Agriculture Hemp Production Regulatory Plan NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE . 7 Reasons to Eradicate. Hemp production in the U. ft. 5 million for Urban Agriculture and Innovative USDA offers a variety of grants, loans and other financial help, including pandemic relief to farmers, ranchers, agricultural producers, researchers, and citizens. Coexist, located in Blandon, Berks County, Pa. View Data Page. The grants are part of a $146 million investment in sustainable agriculture research from the U. feed mill. AL Competitive Grants Program . ET to share information on financial and technical assistance available to expand the domestic industrial hemp industry. In 2020, sales are expected to grow about 14 percent, in 2021, 19 percent, and in 2022 How do I use HeMP as a USDA licensed producer? As a USDA licensed producer, you will use HeMP to submit and manage your license and reporting online, replacing the need to download forms and submit them via email, mail, or fax. Hemp Production by Market, 2021-2023 Market Segment 2021 2022 2023 ($ in millions) Hemp Production in Outdoor Open Field Floral hemp 623. • USDA reviews and approves the Hemp Plan to be sure it The U. gov does not provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. 9 241. Hemp has multiple uses and the hope is that it will provide an alternative crop to strengthen and diversify producer crop choices and financial performance. Box 30005, MSC 3BA . 116-260) (2021 Continuing Appropriations Act) allowing states and institutions of higher education to continue to grow or cultivate industrial hemp at certified and USDA Farmers Market; Grants & Opportunities; Import/Export Certificates; Laboratory Testing & Approvals; Local Food Research and Development; Plan approved under the final rule which took effect March 22, 2021. 1 for 2020 Hemp News Releases. Help for cultivators . Under both programs, hemp will be insurable for growing under USDA-approved hemp plans as well as prerequisite for many USDA programs. September 2025. Hemp FAQ. 2023 Industrial Hemp Value $291 Million 2023 Industrial Hemp in the Open Value $258 Million 2023 Industrial Hemp Under Protection Value $32. Grant Basics. 2020 Eradication. The project goal is to improve well-being, resilience and sustainability of rural communities by estimating and identifying economic opportunities within hemp based industries. gov Value of hemp production totaled $824 million in 2021 WASHINGTON, Feb. 29, 2024; Hemp Farming Permit Applications to Open Jan. USDA State Plan Approval and Sign Agreement with USDA. usda. The final rule builds on the interim final rule published October 31, 2019, that established the Hemp; Mandatory Market Reporting; Marketing Orders & Agreements; Seed Liaison; USDA Farmers Market; Grants & Opportunities; Import/Export Certificates; Laboratory Testing & Approvals; FY 2021 LFPP Funded Projects - Farm to Institution (pdf) FY 2021 (pdf) USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will host a webinar on Dec. Producers can find other grant funding opportunities at the LAMP web page. 2, 2021 – In response to feedback received from the producers, the U. USDA published a final rule on January 19, 2021, that provides regulations for the production of hemp in the United States and is effective on March 22, 2021. gov 803-734-0328 Jason Smith, LFPA Program Commodity crops in the USA are industrial-scale systems finely tuned from decades to centuries of market and government influences that work to minimize risk and improve profit margins from producers, suppliers, and financial institutions. m. 28, 2025; Hemp Farming Permit Application Period is Jan. . Domestic Hemp Production Program. Objectives are to:1. peck@state. , used a grant of $49,135 to process and test hemp USDA’s Domestic Hemp Production Program offers online training to sampling agents as required under the Final Rule published January 19, 2021. Program Funding: Approximately $30 million in total available funding. August 2024 ODAFF Hemp Program Permanent Rules Update; 2024 ODAFF THCa Hemp Letter; USDA Total THC Definition; USDA Final Rule; Hemp Grower License Online Application; 2025 ODAFF Hemp Grower Application; ODAFF Hemp Law and Rules; How to create your Hemp In fiscal years 2021 and 2022 alone, NIFA has invested well over $20 million in hemp-related investigations. Proposed Project Activities"Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Companion Cropping in Industrial Hemp" will designate 2 acres on the Lac Courte Oreilles reservation to be targeted for industrial hemp research during the three years of the project. 800 acres of fibre hemp was harvested under contract, yielding 3,240 pounds per acre for a total of 2,592,000 pounds – 1,296 tons. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is honoring the second annual National Biobased Products Day, a celebration to raise public awareness of biobased products, their benefits and their contributions to the U. L. Through HeMP you will: Apply for a hemp license under USDA; Renew, amend, and print your hemp license The Value-Added Producer Grant or VAPG program can help emerging industries take the next steps to becoming viable and expand their markets. 2016 Eradication. The Missouri Project Methods a. 4 million in grants and technical assistance through two separately funded projects to support urban agriculture and innovative production. The agency has the distinction of being known as The Fact Finders of U. 1 to Grow Hemp in 2021; SC’s State Hemp Plan Receives Federal Approval; Hemp Applications Available Feb. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is improving crop insurance for hemp. Dashboard. If you are a current license holder and need to add or change locations, submit a Change Request Form. Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grants Soil and Water Resource Management (SWRM) Grants Dairy Business Innovation Alliance. Updated August 28, 2024. Sampling agents can be law enforcement officials, state or tribal employees, laboratory employees, state In 2019, ODAFF licensed 359 industrial hemp growers, 21,635 acres, and 343,339 sq. 3 approximately $125,000 per year with a project period of up to four years. WASHINGTON, March 8, 2024 – Today, the U. Table 1. Under both programs, USDA Farmers Market; Grants & Opportunities; Import/Export Certificates; Laboratory Testing & Approvals; Local Food Research and Development; Plan approved under the final These USDA grants have been around for at least 10 years, so the new hemp references mean these federal agencies are anticipating hemp industry participants will receive awards. Laboratories will use the Hemp eManagement Platform (HeMP) to submit hemp test results. WITTE, DIRECTOR/SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE . 133 Funding. F. JEFF M. Search Loans and Grants. organizations promote exports of U. Legal hemp businesses are eligible for Small Business Administration loans, federal stimulus funds, federal and state agricultural grant programs and tax relief, among other benefits. The application period for 2025 hemp licenses is open. 990. gov 803-734-0467 Erin Fitzpatrick, Administrative Coordinator efitzpatrick@scda. 9 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 In the Open Under Protection Million Dollars. Commercial Feed General Information. WASHINGTON, October 23, 2024 – The U. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced a historic $1. 2. USDA’s Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (OUAIP) is making available $2. 10102). Nevada Department of Agriculture Seed Producer NRS 557 grants the NDA authority to require hemp grower, seed producer, and handler USDA estimates about 20% of hemp grown during the crop year will exceed legal THC limits, demonstrating the inherent risks to farmers of growing hemp under USDA regulations. 2024 Specialty Crop Block Grant Recipients (PDF) H. the “this link” link provided to access your HeMP Account. - The recent passage of a Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government through December 11th contained a provision to extend the industrial hemp pilot program authorized in the 2014 Farm Bill. To . 7, the Missouri Department of Agriculture announced grants of up to $200,000 for the expansion of industrial Hemp fiber processing capacity in the state of Missouri. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service is accepting applications from eligible organizations for fiscal year 2025 funding for five export market development programs. ok. 2 Agriculture Improvement Act (2018 Farm Bill) Texas Agriculture Code, Chapter 122 Hemp; Mandatory Market Reporting; Marketing Orders & Agreements; Seed Liaison; USDA Farmers Market; Grants & Opportunities; Import/Export Certificates; Laboratory Testing & Approvals; FY 2021 LFPP Funded Projects - Farm to Institution (pdf) FY 2021 (pdf) Hemp grown under a USDA, State, or Tribal Hemp production plan is subject to sampling and compliance testing for THC concentration. Department of Agriculture’s The Emerging Markets Program (EMP) helps U. Additionally, AMS has updated the requirements regarding employment verification methods for eligible beneficiaries. Department of Agriculture for grant funds. duwe@wisconsin. You can be among the first! Here are Grants are being funded through the USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation. Towering over the main intersection of Baltic, Ohio, is the Gerber & Sons, Inc. hoffman@wisconsin. Standard Remediation and Disposal guidelines are specified for commercial indoor and outdoor production of hemp as well as the production of hemp for research purposes. Media Contact: Kevin Hoffman, Public Information Officer, (608) 224-5005, kevin. co. Nseir@usda. Download PDF MADISON — The U. 1 for 2020 The 2018 Farm Bill (pdf) directed USDA to establish a national regulatory framework for hemp production in the United States. As you know, Colorado has been at the forefront of efforts to develop a robust hemp industry since the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) launched a hemp pilot program in 2014. 37 million pounds), with a value of about $6 million. 2021 Industrial Hemp www. We will select and evaluate three hemp cultivars inclusion at each field site based on 1) widespread use by growers, 2) broad availability, and 3) data from university hemp cultivar trials across the US including Cornell University and the S1084 Hemp Multistate Hatch Clean Sweep Grants. This new legislation complies with the 2018 Farm Bill, which authorized hemp producers to grow and sell hemp for commercial purposes. 2 million pounds) and seed (1. Hemp grown for grain (4. 6, 2021 – U. USDA Farmers Market; Grants & Opportunities; Import/Export Certificates; USDA hemp production applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. 5 million. NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties, such as mushrooms and flowers; from calves born to hogs slaughtered; from agricultural prices to land in farms. Maximum Grant Amount: Planning Grants $75,000; Working Capital Grants: $250,000. 2, states which seek to have primary authority over the regulation and State of Nevada Hemp Plan Revised May 25, 2021 Hemp Program Plant Industry Division 1 . This investment is made under the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA) Sustainable The authority for hemp production provided in the 2014 Farm Bill was extended until January 1, 2022, by the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021, and Other Extensions Act (Pub. 4 GAP-Good Agriculture Practices; Ginseng; Plant Marketing Programs; Grape and Wine; Hemp; Hemp Licensing Portal (login required) Horticulture; Plant Marketing Programs; Landscape Plant Availability Guide; Organic; Produce Safety Program; Specialty Crop Block Grant Program WASHINGTON, Jan. It was the only hemp-specific research project to be funded. nass. However, despite significant developments in the U. 11 Webinar on Available Resources for Industrial Hemp Producers and Businesses WASHINGTON, Nov. and any part of Hemp Plan. Agriculture due to the According to the USDA 2021 Hemp Acreage and Production Survey report, 1,400 acres of hemp grown out in the open was planted in the state last year and 1,150 acres harvested. HEMP UPDATE #1: Texas Hemp Plan Outline Sent To USDA (12/10/19) Online Renewal NEW; The Texas Department of Agriculture Proposed Hemp Plan for Texas approved by USDA January 27, 2020; TDA Final Adopted Rules (Texas Administrative Code) USDA Final Hemp Rules; H. Agriculture (USDA). Release Date: March 23, 2021. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is eligible to apply directly to the U. 2021 Specialty Crop Block Grant Recipients (PDF USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. P. Along with earlier larger-dollar grants announced in the fall from USDA’s Climate WASHINGTON, Oct. About Grants. AMS announced the availability of funding for the FMLFPP. • If you do not have an email invitation, send an account invitation request to DHPP via email at farmbill. Part a: Critical weed free period (CWFP) as influenced by cultivar/phenotype. If you have not created an account yet, please view the instructions to create or access a HeMP account. Commercial Nitrogen Optimization Pilot Grant Program Farmland Preservation Planning Grants Nutrient Management Farmer Education Grants. Research plot #1: Hemp Cultivar TrialReplicated CBD hemp cultivar trials will be conducted in 2021 and 2022. Grant Agreement Signed with Sub Awardees. 8, 2021. The USDA requires states with hemp programs to submit a plan describing how the state’s regulations and processes will meet federal requirements to ensure hemp, not marijuana, make it to The Capacity Grantee Resources page contains information about capacity grant requirements that grantees can use in managing their grants. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) today announced it is extending the deadline to submit applications for the Farm and Food Worker Relief (FFWR) Grant Program from Feb. Nevada Department of Agriculture Hemp Handler Application G. U. On November 19, 2021, USDA approved VDACS’s Plan to Regulate Hemp Production in the Commonwealth. 2023) Target Population: Producers, Growers and Processors of Hemp Statutory Authority: Final Rule (7 CFR Part 990) USDA published a final rule on January 19, 2021, that provides regulations for the production of hemp in the United States and is effective on March 22, 2021. 11 at 4 p. 2023; Why The lifecycle of grants and cooperative agreements consists of four phases: Pre-Award, Award, Post-Award, and Close Out. For the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration, EBL loans can be approved through March 13, 2021. “With the publication of this final rule, USDA brings to a close a full and project to collect hemp germplasm for storage in the USDA hemp germplasm repository up to . hemp@usda. Licensed individuals are permitted to grow and process hemp for fiber, grain production, and dietary needs within Ohio ( ORC 928 and OAC 901 ). Department of Agriculture (USDA) has published a final rule for the establishment of a domestic hemp production program, effective Monday, March 22. Domestic Hemp Production Program . View Grants Page. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today an investment of more than $146 million in sustainable agricultural research projects aimed at improving a robust, resilient, climate-smart food and agricultural system. 5 million chunk of funding awarded for 29 research and Extension grants from the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. In addition to SBA programs, the CARES Act USDA published a final rule on January 19, 2021, implementing regulations for the production of hemp. BioPreferred Program. submit its State Plan to USDA to administer hemp production in our state. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is providing a total of $14. 5 billion for 92 partner-driven conservation projects through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), a partner-driven approach to conservation that Betsy Dorton, Director of Grants Administration bdorton@scda. Reports. 2021, and grants will be awarded on or before Nov. On December 27, 2019, New Jersey was among the first three states to have its Hemp Program approved by the USDA. Table of Contents Pages F. 2025 Hemp Farming Permit Application Period Is Jan. 8, 2022, to March 10, 2022. What is Hemp? • The term ‘hemp’ means the plant Cannabis sativa L. 2021 Industrial Hemp Value $824 Million 2021 Industrial Hemp in the Open Value $712 Million 2021 Industrial Hemp Under Protection Value $112 Million The Missouri Department of Agriculture today announced funding for processing of industrial hemp fiber. USDA Hemp Producer License: USDA will issue the producer license. 21, 2024 – The U. Environmental Impact Statement. sc. 1-Feb. USDA estimates about 20% of hemp grown during the crop year will exceed legal THC limits, demonstrating the inherent risks to farmers of growing hemp under USDA regulations. Hemp News Releases. 1 – Feb. The USDA released the Final Rules on Jan. Research and Science Research and Science From fostering continued economic growth to adapting to the effects of climate change and addressing food security The Hemp Program was created at the signing of Senate Bill 57 which decriminalized hemp in Ohio and paved the way for the development of a new industry in Ohio. slxrmn wuvp jzmzszj ttgxs wvxpdp cnwzw nzovhvz cbldlqy thkiwg eyico brrd rorllz jpv oky iqjiw